Minotaur Theatre Company
2nd - 4th February 2017
Written by Pip Williams
Director - Rohan Gotobed
Co-Director - Alex McNally
Designer - Charli Corrigan
Assistant Designer - Saskia Kelly
Stage Manager - Ella Thompson
Alex - Nell Barlow
Kate - Lizzie Brown
Charlotte - Nina Cavaleiro
Bella - Ella Daymond
Richard - Fergus O'Loan
Orlando - Sam Rees
Elizabeth - Nyree Williams

Custard was a new play by Pip Williams that dramatized the falling out between a struggling teenager and his father as he attempts to woo a potential publisher for his book.
It was a dark comedy with some twisted moments, but there was also pathos and characters that left you feeling gutpunched.
"I first realized people wouldn’t be my friends if I just gave them free biscuits when I was about eleven. When did you?"

"It was creepy. After the first half, my skin was crawling. I didn't know if I wanted to jump on my feet or scratch my skin. It was both engaging and tense.
The directors made it very visual - the gender dynamics, the intellectualism, it's all woven through the staging. I can't fault the direction. I even think the direction managed to lift up a lot of the writing in terms of getting them into the forefront of a discussion."
— Livewire 1350